1892 Front Cover THE MILLION 'The Marquess Of Dufferin And Ava

1892 Front Cover THE MILLION 'The Marquess Of Dufferin And Ava
THE MILLION Newspaper was a Victorian Era newspaper Edited By GEO. NEWNES and published weekly. The paper is on good quality newsprint and the print quality is excellent....many of the illustrations are from engravings...probably wood cuts, so the definition is very good and the colouring is also well done. The paper size is 17" x 11 3/4".There is also printing on reverse. A Front Cover Page for the June 25th 1892 Edition...'THE MARQUESS OF DUFFERIN AND AVA. THESE ARE GENUINE ORIGINAL ITEMS.....WE DO NOT SELL COPIES OR REPRINTS. Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple-Blackwood, 1st Marquess of Dufferin and Ava KP, GCB, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, PC (21 June 1826 – 12 February 1902) was a British public servant and prominent member of Victorian society. In his youth, he was a popular figure in the court of Queen Victoria, and became well known to the public after publishing a best-selling account of his travels in the North Atlantic. He is now best known as one of the most successful diplomats of his time. His long career in public service began as a commissioner to Syria in 1860, where his skillful diplomacy maintained British interests while preventing France from instituting a client state in Lebanon. After his success in Syria, Lord Dufferin served in the Government of the United Kingdom as the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and Under-Secretary of State for War. In 1872 he became the third Governor General of Canada, bolstering imperial ties in the early years of the Dominion, and in 1884 he reached the pinnacle of his diplomatic career as eighth Viceroy of India. Following his retirement from the diplomatic service in 1896, his final years were marred by personal tragedy and a misguided attempt to secure his family's financial position. His eldest son was killed in the Second Boer War, shortly before a mining company of which he had become chairman collapsed under scandalous circumstances. Although no personal blame attached to Dufferin, it was a blow to his failing health; he withdrew from public life and died in early 1902.
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